With the current growth in world population, food production and farming need to get increasingly productive, delivering high yields in a limited time. We support farmers and agricultural companies to meet this demand and push the innovation limits of their current day-to-day farming practices. Our live fiber-based networks incorporate real-time applications to Smart Agriculture and Smart Farming, producing the following benefits: – Excelled efficiency, expansion, reduced resources, cleaner process, agility, and improved product quality.
We build secured, reliable, scalable, physical, or Virtual-to-the-farm networks, which support complex algorithms to deliver:
- Livestock Monitoring
- Monitoring climatic conditions
- Greenhouse automation
- Crop Monitoring
- Drones
- Productions and Transportation
- Outdoor research and development
- Agriculture sensors
When it comes to the mining industry, the transfer of vast amounts of data across a site is crucial. We support miners with the most effective, safe, secure, smart solutions and connectivity while considering:
- Pervasive Sensing
- Monitoring and securing tailings dams
- Reducing downtime
- Underground mine communications
- Non-Electrical conductivity
- Immunity to induced current, cross talk, and EMI
- Reducing spark hazards from flammable gases
- Pull strength, crush resistance, impact strength, and flexibility
Geographical location is never an issue. While planning and delivering our bespoke Gigabyte Passive Optical Network (GPON), Passive Optical Network (PON), WDM-PON (Wavelength Division Multiplexing – Passive Optical Network), PTP (Point to Point), and Fiber to the Premises (FTTP/FTTx), we take into consideration:
- Minimised business / operational disruptions,
- Adaptability to modern technology,
- Space savings (fewer cables, smaller cable trays),
- Network simplicity,
- Business Wi-Fi (B2B/B2C),
- VoIP,
- SIP Trunking
- Office file / Server Storage,
- Managed services,
- Encrypted Communication Solutions,
- Easy Installation,
- Customised Solutions,
- Enhanced Security layers
- Great customer experience,
- Unlimited Bandwidth,
- Realtime data connection, sharing, processing, analysis, with flexible and scalable IT infrastructure,
- Upgrades,
- Advanced cloud access,
- Upload/download speed,
- Seamless symmetric speed,
- Distance management (Site to Site Networking),
- Reduced Cost (CAPEX and OPEX),
- Resistance to interference, and
- Minimal latency.
We will work with you to avoid excessive costs as well as implement our 24-hour and 7days a week maintenance policy. Start this process by contacting us today.
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